

Spiritual Direction

Q What is spiritual direction?
A Spiritual Direction is a coming alongside, an intentional, sacred listening for the presence of God in the lives of individuals. Paula D’Arcy writes that “God comes to us, disguised as our life,” and spiritual direction can help us discern God’s presence and movement throughout our everyday, ordinary lives.

Q What happens during a direction appointment?
A Direction sessions are one hour. Each session begins with a time of silence and centering, often with a brief opening prayer or reading. As you are ready, you then begin by reflecting on your life recently – any themes, struggles, interactions or thoughts that you would like to explore as you seek to understand where the Spirit may be at work in your life. Elizabeth may ask questions to prompt further reflection, may offer an image or metaphor to consider, or may reflect back what she is hearing or themes she picks up on. The time typically ends with silence and a brief prayer. As you get to know a director, the two of you determine what works well for you.

Q When would someone see a spiritual director?
A Whenever they are interested in going deeper with God. The adage “you can’t see the forest for the trees” applies in that it is often difficult to see the bigger picture of our lives amid the day to day details and stressors. Spiritual direction creates space to pause and intentionally reflect on your own life and the presence of the Divine as your unique life story unfolds.  

Specific instances that might bring someone to direction include: seasons of discernment; seeking increased self-awareness; desiring a deepening experience of prayer; wrestling with questions of faith; feeling hurt or disillusioned by the church but wanting a space to explore your own belief; issues around identity and how God sees you.

Q How often would we meet?
A Generally, direction appointments are made every four to six weeks. There may be seasons when it makes sense to meet less frequently or ocassionally even more frequently for a short time.

Q What does it cost?
A  Recognizing that access to resources varies, Elizabeth offers a three-tiered structure, as follows, trusting individuals to discern what is within their budget:

Standard rate  $85

Supported rate  $60

Supporting rate $100

Support from those who have some extra financial margin provides increased opportunity to those for whom direction may be otherwise out of reach. Finances should not prevent anyone from entering spiritual direction; please contact Elizabeth for conversation if this is a concern.

Q Where are you located?
A Elizabeth utilizes office space in central Spokane on Tuesdays and in the Colbert area (just north of Spokane) on Wednesdays and Thursdays. For those out of the area, she also offers appointments by Zoom.


Q What style of yoga do you offer?
A Elizabeth’s classes are most aligned with vinyasa, but are gentle in nature. Vinyasa is a practice in which the movements are connected to the breath. It is a flow style of yoga, postures moving with each inhale and exhale, or being held for a few rounds of breath.  

Elizabeth’s classes are often called contemplative yoga as she weaves thematic readings, breath prayers and reflection prompts throughout the hour to create a contemplative, integrated experience of body, mind and spirit.

Q When and where are your classes?
A After nearly seven years of weekly classes, Elizabeth will be moving away from weekly yoga this spring, focusing the yoga portion of Commune on monthly classes and increased retreats and special events. A final Lenten series will be offered at Colbert Presbyterian or can be accessed online in real time or as a recording. Sign up for the monthly email to stay informed about additional workshops and retreats offered throughout the year.

Q What is the cost?
A Your first class is complimentary. In person classes have a suggested rate of: $15 per gentle flow class, $10 per chair yoga class, $10 student rate. All online classes have a suggested rate of $10. If you are interested in attending but finances are a challenge, please plan to attend and connect with Elizabeth.

Q Do I need any equipment?
A No. Elizabeth offers mats and any other props you might need. Comfortable clothing is recommended.